East Bay Open Studios 2015!

The annual East Bay Open Studios are here again.  Come visit the expanded Guild Gallery (including artists firsts and seconds)  — open the first two weekends of June on both Saturday and Sunday! June 6/7, 11am-5pm June 13/14 11am-5pm Featured Guild Pro Arts artists include Kiyomi Koide, Kimi Masui, John Stephenson, Patricia Uchill-Simons and Pamela […]


Spring Show and Annual Seconds Sale

JFish Designs at the Berkeley Potters Guild Seconds Sale

  SPRING OPEN HO– USE!  SALE!  SECONDS!  NEW WORK! Spinning, pouring, coiling, sculpting and painting, members of the Berkeley Potters Guild have been earnestly preparing for their Spring unveiling. Saturday and Sunday May 2 / 3 and Mother’s Day weekend May 9 / 10 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM each day Meet the artists who […]



Refreshing studio spaces for the New Year, clearing out the old making room for the new, some of our members are offering a surprise pop-up event on Saturday, January 24, from 11 AM to 5 PM. Featured will be Holiday Show Orphans, Seconds, and Discontinued Designs, including tableware, raku wall pieces, figurative vases and sculpture, […]


Happy New Year 2015 from the Berkeley Potters Guild!

Happy New Year!!!  January as always is our month of rest, catchup, cleaning and re-focusing so our Guild Gallery will be closed for the entire month of January.  Thank you so much to all of our wonderful holiday customers.  We had great fun and great sales this December and look forward to creating new enticing […]