**This event has been cancelled due to the increasing number of cases surging in California currently. Our safety and yours are of utmost concern. Be well, wear a mask and wash your hands. xoxo**
We are excited to announce our outdoor Sidewalk Seconds Sale set to be held on August 22, 2020 from 10am-6pm barring any State, County or City restrictions.
Our cupboards are bursting with seconds since we missed our Spring Seconds Sale and East Bay Open Studios in May and June this year. We are looking forward to giving you great deals on seconds to clear out our inventories, so we can keep doing what we love most — making pots!
We aren’t small businesses; we are *tiny* businesses and would appreciate greatly your support during this completely outdoor event. We love you as much as you hopefully love us, so we will have plenty of social distancing built into the event, hand sanitizer will be available for artists and customers and masks will be required by all artists and attendees.
We hope all of you are well and healthy and your families and friends are also free from the ‘rona. If you have a fever, or feel under the weather, you can catch us next time. Miss you and hope to see you soon!